Information for


Information for


Information for


How does the study work?

How does the study work?

How does the study work?

What’s the study trying to understand? 

What’s the study trying to understand? 

What’s the study trying to understand? 

Does my child have to take part? 

Does my child have to take part? 

Does my child have to take part? 

Why are we asking parents to opt their child out of the study instead of opting in? 

Why are we asking parents to opt their child out of the study instead of opting in? 

Why are we asking parents to opt their child out of the study instead of opting in? 

What will happen during the study? 

What will happen during the study? 

What will happen during the study? 

What does the questionnaire cover? 

What does the questionnaire cover? 

What does the questionnaire cover? 

What are the benefits and risks of taking part? 

What are the benefits and risks of taking part? 

What are the benefits and risks of taking part? 

Can my child be identified? 

Can my child be identified? 

Can my child be identified? 

Can I see my child’s data/answers? 

Can I see my child’s data/answers? 

Can I see my child’s data/answers? 

What happens to my child’s data? 

What happens to my child’s data? 

What happens to my child’s data? 

If you need any further information, please don't hesitate to contact us

© Copyright 2024 IMAGINE Study.

If you need any further information, please don't hesitate to contact us

© Copyright 2024 IMAGINE Study.

If you need any further information, please don't hesitate to contact us

© Copyright 2024 IMAGINE Study.